Botox Dallas
When you are feeling frustrated by the appearance of new wrinkles and creases and lines on your face and looking for a way to reduce them and create a more youthful look, one of the options you may consider is Botox. Botox is a procedure that is performed through an injection into the specific area of the face where the creases and wrinkles appear to cease the repetitive facial movement that is causing the lines to appear. Botox is popular among both men and women of varying ages and may be used on a couple different areas of the face. Botox takes just minutes to administer with results visible within days of the procedure. There is no downtime afterwards so many patients can fit it on a lunch break or between errands. The results can last for a couple of months. Some patients may choose to combine Botox with other facial rejuvenation procedures such as Dermal Fillers, an Eyelid Lift, Brow Lift or Face Lift.
If you are interested in achieving a more youthful, smooth facial appearance and would like to learn more about your options, contact our office to schedule your consultation with Dr. Habash today.